Sunday, August 26, 2012


Minal aidzin walfaidzin.. Mohon maaf lahir batin ya.... :)

Langsung inget Kyuhyun ^_^ (sorry lebay).
And because Iam a gamers , that doesn't mean that I like playing games (read: gamers is one of Kyuhyun's fan club). kekeke. Honestly, I don't like playing game, the evidence is on my laptop doesn't exist any game and on my handphone only two games but only one that I usually play it.

But now, I will discuss about mathematics games. Yes.. Children need a way to fall in love with mathematics and maybe it can happen through a mathematics game. Thanks to genius person that can create mathematics games but doesn't include me 0_o  ....

Okay, I will post some mathematics games that I get from goggling.

1. Game matematika untuk anak kelas 6 SD

Aplikasi game edukatif matematika ini terdiri dari 2 menu di mana menu tersebut terdiri darimateri mata pelajaran matematika yaitu KPK dan FPB lanjutan, luas dan keliling, koordinat kartesius, bangun ruang, dan menu game yang berupa permainan menjawab soal yang berhubungan dengan pelajaran dengan cara yang menarik.

You can get it here.

2. Game matematika

Review: Game ini berisi permainan matematika yang mudah dan sesuai dengan anak anak.

You can get it here.

3. Hooda math
       Hooda math is a site of mathematics game which is created by Michael Edlavitch, mathematics teacher of junior high school. You can enjoy this games by visiting here but you can't download it.
This site consist of alooott of games. ^_^
(Banyak banget brooo games nya ....)

Happy Gamers . . . )_*

I will update if I get new games.

1 comment:

  1. Ibu Nurmalia, blognya bagus dan sangat bermanfaat...

    Untuk menambah konten review dalam blog ini. Kami sangat senang kalau bu Nurmalia berkenan untuk mereview game edukasi matematika yang kami develop. Mohon kritik dan sarannya ya. :)

    Linknya :

    terima kasih
