Sunday, December 30, 2012


Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Jika kamu bergegas menuju tempat tidurmu, berwudhulah seperti wudhu untuk shalat kemudian berbaringlah miring ke kanan seraya mengucapkan, 'Ya Allah, aku serahkan diriku kepada-Mu. Aku limpahkan urusanku kepada-Mu. Aku minta perlindungan tubuhku kepada-Mu karena cinta dan rasa takutku kepada-Mu, tidak ada tempat kembali dan tidak pula keselamatan dari kemurkaan-Mu kecuali kepada-Mu. Aku beriman kepada kitab-Mu yang telah Engkau turunkan dan kepada nabi-Mu yang telah Engkau utus.' Jika kamu mati pada malam tersebut, kamu mati dalam keadaan suci. Karena itu, jadikanlah doa tersebut sebagai kalimat terakhir yang kamu ucapkan."
(Hr. Asy-Syaikhan)

Berikut ini adalah manfaat tidur menghadap ke kanan dari segi kesehatan: 
  1. Mengistirahatkan otak kiri. Pada dasarnya, otak manusia dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu otak kiri dan otak kanan. Otak kanan bertugas mempersarafi organ tubuh sebelah kiri, begitu juga sebaliknya. Dalam keseharian, kita sering menggunakan organ tubuh sebelah kanan. Dengan tidur miring ke kanan, maka gantian otak kiri yang mensarafi organ tubuh sebelah kanan. Dan ini dapat menghindarkan diri dari bahaya penyakit seperti pengendapan pembekuan darah, lemak, asam sisa oksida, dan penyempitan pembuluh darah.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The students have already known about the formula of arithmetic mean that they have known and used for years. To find the mean of two numbers, add then and then divide the sum by two.
But, Can you find out the way to get that formula?
Actually, it is a simple way to get the formula of arithmetic mean. But sometime, people do not really know about it.

Everyone has known about the arithmetic formula:

We then use the concept just presented to find the missing middle term, or arithmetic mean, if the first and third terms of an arithmetic sequence are given. To begin I use an example.
If we are given that a, n, b are three consecutive terms in an arithmetic sequence, how do we find the value of n?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I am just trying to find out what is fraction. And I get new knowledge about fraction. This review about fraction I have gotten from other site.


Fraction notation and operations may be the most abstract math monsters our students meet until they get to algebra. Before we can explain those frustrating fractions, we teachers need to go back to the basics for ourselves. First, let’s get rid of two common misconceptions:
  • A fraction is not two numbers.
    Every fraction is a single number. A fraction can be added to other numbers (or subtracted, multiplied, etc.), and it has to obey the Distributive Law and all the other standard rules for numbers. It takes two digits (plus a bar) to write a fraction, just as it takes two digits to write the number 18 — but, like 18, the fraction is a single number that names a certain amount of whatever we are counting or measuring.
  • A fraction is not something to do.
    A fraction is a number, not a recipe for action. The fraction 3/4 does not mean, “Cut your pizza into 4 pieces, and then keep 3 of them.” The fraction 3/4 simply names a certain amount of stuff, more than a half but not as much as a whole thing. When our students are learning fractions, we do cut up models to help them understand, but the fractions themselves are simply numbers.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Selasa kemarin, 4 September 2012, aku mendapat jam mengajar 2 jp untuk materi Applying operation of integers in problem solving.
Setengah jam pertama digunakan untuk membahas tugas worksheet Powering and Root yang diberikan minggu lalu. Selanjutnya digunakan untuk bermain quiz integer.

Pertama-tama bagi siswa menjadi kelompok yang terdiri dari 4-5 anak. Sehingga akan terbentuk kelompok A, B, C, D, E, tergantung jumlah siswa dalam kelas tersebut.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hari pertama mengajar sebagai guru PPL di SMP N 2 Smg, cukup rame kelasnya, ^_^
Aku mendapat kelas yang berisi anak-anak yang sangat aktif, sampai-sampai gurunya kewalahan. Tapi wajar sajalah, maklum masih kelas VII. :)
Planing program pembelajaran yang sudah ku buat kadang tidak bisa sesuai karena aku selalu merasa kekurangan jam, hehe. Semoga besok-besok bisa mengatur kelas lebih efektif dalam penggunaan waktunya.

Hari pertama aku mengajar adalah hari Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012. Materi hari itu adalah Division of Integers.
Pertama-tama, perkenalan dalam konstek wajar ^_^. Lalu membahas homework dari pertemuan sebelumnya. Kemudian, aku terangkan materi Division of Integers. Sebagai elaborasi, aku berikan latihan soal yang dikerjakan berkelompok. Tapi karena waktunya habis akhirnya dijadikan homework deh.... ^_0

Ini adalah materi tentang Division of Integers:

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Minal aidzin walfaidzin.. Mohon maaf lahir batin ya.... :)

Langsung inget Kyuhyun ^_^ (sorry lebay).
And because Iam a gamers , that doesn't mean that I like playing games (read: gamers is one of Kyuhyun's fan club). kekeke. Honestly, I don't like playing game, the evidence is on my laptop doesn't exist any game and on my handphone only two games but only one that I usually play it.

But now, I will discuss about mathematics games. Yes.. Children need a way to fall in love with mathematics and maybe it can happen through a mathematics game. Thanks to genius person that can create mathematics games but doesn't include me 0_o  ....

Okay, I will post some mathematics games that I get from goggling.

1. Game matematika untuk anak kelas 6 SD

Aplikasi game edukatif matematika ini terdiri dari 2 menu di mana menu tersebut terdiri darimateri mata pelajaran matematika yaitu KPK dan FPB lanjutan, luas dan keliling, koordinat kartesius, bangun ruang, dan menu game yang berupa permainan menjawab soal yang berhubungan dengan pelajaran dengan cara yang menarik.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Algebraic expression is a mathematics material for Junior High School grade VII.

We will discuss about:
1) Definition of algebraic expressions
2) The LCM and GCD of monomials
3) Algebraic fractions
4) Polynomial multiplication identities

Here the screen shoot

You can download it here.

Thank you ^_^

Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to Get the Area of Circle

Actually we know that the area of circle is . . . .

But, do you know where it come from?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Edraw Mind Map

Edraw MindMap is a vector-based mind mapping software with rich examples and templates which make it easy to create mind maps, brain-storming diagrams, project timeline, life planner, SWOT analysis and sketch maps.

Through Edraw mind mapping software, you can visualize your thinking and quickly arrange and organize your work, all to benefit you as well as people around you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Exponentiation of Integer (Pangkat Bilangan Bulat) is one of material for junior high school grade VII semester I.
When I got a lecturing for microteaching before PLL, I decided that I would present this material.
The microteaching itself had done for 30 minutes at D2 Mathematics department building. FMIPA UNNES.

You can download it here

RPP of Exponentiation of Integers, download here.

Thanks ^_^

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I am back with hot stuff today.
When I was on my lecturing for Workshop Math 2. We have to make a student worksheet about circle area.
There are two versions, English and Indonesian.
Here the screen shoot for English version.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Microsoft Math 2007

This software is called Microsoft Math 2007.
It really useful for you to study about mathematics. For example, if you are confused how to graph a mathematics function, this software will help to get the graphic of a function.

You can download this math software here.

Happy mathematics. Thanks. Gomawo ^_^

SETS (Himpunan)

Sets is a material of Senior High School grade VII semester2. I had made this material some month ago, now I want to share it for everyone if you need to know about this material.
I convert it become pdf. I can't write it here directly because some of this writing consist of math equation.
Here, some previews:
A set is a collection of objects which can be clearly defined.
-  A group of the color of traffic light.
-  A herd of reptile animals.
-  A group of humans who born in October.
Look at the following groups which are not considered as a set:
-  A group of handsome boys in my class 
-  A group of cheap cloths in the market.

A set is usually denoted by a  capital letter  such as A, B, C, …, Z. The objects 
which are included in a set may be expressed using brackets.
1.  A set of natural numbers which are less than 5.
K = {1,2,3,4} 
2.  A set of basic color.
G = {red, yellow, green}
You can download it here

Credit me, please. Thanks. Gomawo ^_^

Don't forget to give your comment.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cursor Creator by AniFx Portable


Setelah punya keinginan untuk membuat dan mengedit cursor sendiri, aku mencari-cari software apa yang bisa dipakai... Finally, kutemukan AniFx. Akhirnya terdownload juga. . tapi aku belum sempat mencoba dan mempraktekannya (yang penting download dulu ^_^ ) . . .
Ini link download nya download AniFx here

Sunday, April 29, 2012

ERDiagram (Entity Relationship Diagram)

ER Diagram adalah suatu model untuk menjelaskan hubungan antar data yang mempunyai hubungan antar relasi.
Simbol yang digunakan dalam ER Diagram:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Database Relasi Tabel (Table Relation) 'Car Dealer 2012'

Setelah rehat cukup lama dan meninggalkan blogger untuk sementara. Finally, Iam coming back ^_^
Dalam perkuliahanku di semester 6 ini, ada makul Database. Sempat aku dapat tugas untuk membuat relasi tabel. Dan setelah praktek berutik-utik selama berjam-jam, akhirnya sudah cukup paham mengenai relasi tabel.
Dan ini adalah hasil percobaanku saat membuat relasi tabel yang berjudul tentang 'Car Dealer' . . .
(entah ini sudah bener2 betul apa belum,, yang penting programnya bisa dijalankan dulu, lain kali pasti aku coba-coba bikin lagi kalau lagi ada waktu luang, maklum sekarang lagi demam LouHan, xpxpxpxp :p ) . . .

And the Result:

Saturday, March 10, 2012


This is the material of senior high school grade VII semester 2 about "Quadrilaterals".

I.            RECTANGLES
     Rectangle is a four-sided plane figure whose all four angles are right angles and whose opposite sides are parallel and equal in length.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Straight Line Equation (Persamaan Garis Lurus)

Mengenai salah satu bab di materi SMP yaitu Persamaan Garis Lurus, disini saya akan mempublishkan materi Persamaan Garis Lurus hasil karya tulisan saya sendiri. (in English ya) . . .

I. Straight Line Equations and Their Graph
    Through two points can be made exactly a straight line. So, a straight line at least has to consist of two points to graph a straight line on a cartesian plane.
II. The Gradient
Gradient is a number that denote the comparison between component x and component y.

Untuk lebih lengkap beserta contohnya, silahkan download.

Gomawo ^_^

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Good evening. Today I am still on my holiday. I really sleepy coz for some hours ago, I really work hard on my pfoject (Logic & Trigonometri have finished) yeyeye. . .
Now, I will make a posting about my handmade creation from flanel.  Actually, this one had been done since long time ago. But, I wanna share it and make a review.
Oke, about the picture above is Laptop case.