Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The students have already known about the formula of arithmetic mean that they have known and used for years. To find the mean of two numbers, add then and then divide the sum by two.
But, Can you find out the way to get that formula?
Actually, it is a simple way to get the formula of arithmetic mean. But sometime, people do not really know about it.

Everyone has known about the arithmetic formula:

We then use the concept just presented to find the missing middle term, or arithmetic mean, if the first and third terms of an arithmetic sequence are given. To begin I use an example.
If we are given that a, n, b are three consecutive terms in an arithmetic sequence, how do we find the value of n?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I am just trying to find out what is fraction. And I get new knowledge about fraction. This review about fraction I have gotten from other site.


Fraction notation and operations may be the most abstract math monsters our students meet until they get to algebra. Before we can explain those frustrating fractions, we teachers need to go back to the basics for ourselves. First, let’s get rid of two common misconceptions:
  • A fraction is not two numbers.
    Every fraction is a single number. A fraction can be added to other numbers (or subtracted, multiplied, etc.), and it has to obey the Distributive Law and all the other standard rules for numbers. It takes two digits (plus a bar) to write a fraction, just as it takes two digits to write the number 18 — but, like 18, the fraction is a single number that names a certain amount of whatever we are counting or measuring.
  • A fraction is not something to do.
    A fraction is a number, not a recipe for action. The fraction 3/4 does not mean, “Cut your pizza into 4 pieces, and then keep 3 of them.” The fraction 3/4 simply names a certain amount of stuff, more than a half but not as much as a whole thing. When our students are learning fractions, we do cut up models to help them understand, but the fractions themselves are simply numbers.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Selasa kemarin, 4 September 2012, aku mendapat jam mengajar 2 jp untuk materi Applying operation of integers in problem solving.
Setengah jam pertama digunakan untuk membahas tugas worksheet Powering and Root yang diberikan minggu lalu. Selanjutnya digunakan untuk bermain quiz integer.

Pertama-tama bagi siswa menjadi kelompok yang terdiri dari 4-5 anak. Sehingga akan terbentuk kelompok A, B, C, D, E, tergantung jumlah siswa dalam kelas tersebut.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hari pertama mengajar sebagai guru PPL di SMP N 2 Smg, cukup rame kelasnya, ^_^
Aku mendapat kelas yang berisi anak-anak yang sangat aktif, sampai-sampai gurunya kewalahan. Tapi wajar sajalah, maklum masih kelas VII. :)
Planing program pembelajaran yang sudah ku buat kadang tidak bisa sesuai karena aku selalu merasa kekurangan jam, hehe. Semoga besok-besok bisa mengatur kelas lebih efektif dalam penggunaan waktunya.

Hari pertama aku mengajar adalah hari Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012. Materi hari itu adalah Division of Integers.
Pertama-tama, perkenalan dalam konstek wajar ^_^. Lalu membahas homework dari pertemuan sebelumnya. Kemudian, aku terangkan materi Division of Integers. Sebagai elaborasi, aku berikan latihan soal yang dikerjakan berkelompok. Tapi karena waktunya habis akhirnya dijadikan homework deh.... ^_0

Ini adalah materi tentang Division of Integers: